Eye Beam

Hi! The last 2 days I've been working on something. The thing was: an eye beam emitted by a character and a VFX hitting an enemy or something. It was fun to draw something different, it was my first time trying things like the particles that goes into the eye and the dust under the character. It's not a finished VFX work, but neither a sketch :)
The other thing I loved was draw different VFX, Eyes, Explotion, Laser, Dust, Hit and do the composition to see them all together.
It was great to get out of the rut and not just think of effects "separately"

I don't always do this, but I think it's crucial. At least for me. Take my time, breathe and organize my ideas.
I use ONENOTE and there I write some ideas and screenshots of References, or the video links. This way I don't forget my Ideas hahaha.

I don't always do this, but I think it's crucial. At least for me. Take my time, breathe and organize my ideas.
I use ONENOTE and there I write some ideas and screenshots of References, or the video links. This way I don't forget my Ideas hahaha.

The sketch in Unity 3D. The particles go to the eyes and charge them, then this explodes into a laser and dust under the character, hitting an enemy. Or that's what I see hahaha